Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Tummy Time Success

Celebrating M's b-day yesterday! Ian made an amazing dinner and the most delicious chocolate cake. Bea has many tasty cakes in her future.

Tummy time suddenly isn't so bad. Bea can get up on her hands now and rolled from front to back about 20 times today! We took some video and will see if we can upload it to the blog. Stay tuned.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Holiday Festitivies

Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah and Happy New Year to all!

Team Beatrice celebrated its first Christmas as a family and had a magical time. M, D, & Bea made it safely to Grandpa's house Christmas Eve, where we indulged in an amazing Paella and had lots of fun visiting with everyone. Bea had a little meltdown with all the excitement, but rallied with smiles just before leaving. She knows how to get an invite back!

We slept in the next morning (have we mentioned she sleeps 8-10 hours now?!?) and had a fanastic time chowing down on a great breakfast specially prepared by D, tearing into gifts, and playing in our pjs. The cats, Timmy & Oliver, had a field day and went berserk with all the paper and ribbon strewn about. Who needs cat toys when all they want is a pile of trash? In the afternoon, we were off to Nana's house for more great food (still thinking of the Baked Alaska...) and fun with Bea's grandmother, uncle and great-uncle. We sorely missed seeing M's family this holiday season, but are excited about an upcoming visit from Mimi and M's stepfather.

Here is a picture of the munchkin with a special stuffed animal from M&D. Monte the Monkey tried to make friends, but Bea was a little reluctant - he is, after all, still bigger than she is!

Bea tries to help open her presents. She mostly just drooled on them.

Testing out her new Bebe Pod seat. Now she can sit up like a big girl!

Christmas at Nana's house.

M & Bea all dressed up!

Isn't her party dress too cute?

Monday, December 22, 2008

Snowed In

Greetings from a very snowy Seattle. Yes, this is our third post in the same number of days, but being snowed in is making us a bit hungry for contact with the outside world. D's office actually closed today due to the fact that no one would be there anyway. Yahoo! Now we can have another family snow day (complete with delicious homemade scones)!
While we shovel, shovel, shovel and frantically wonder if we'll be able to finish last minute shopping or even get over the hills and through the woods to Nana's house on Christmas, Ms. Bea slumbers away in her new sled.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Sleigh Bells Ring!

Bea takes a spin around the yard in an early Christmas present from Grandpa.

Thanks, Grandpa!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Bea's First Snow!

Bea is bundled head to toe for her first snow fall. She said she liked watching the snow a lot more from inside the house.

Uh oh, the baby is loosing it...

Much happier all snuggled up with D.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Gymini fun

Bea is starting to swat at the animals on her gymini!

Playtime is exhausting!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

5 Months Old!

Greetings all,
Bea is 5 months old as of yesterday -- we can hardly believe it has been nearly half a year since she was born. She visited the doc for a weight check this morning and is (drum roll, please)...11lbs 10oz! That mean she has officially doubled the weight she was when she came home from the hospital. Her doctor was ecstatic and declared she actually EXCEEDED his expectations and even made it, albeit barely, onto the chart for normal 5 monthers. We are just eating up every chubby finger and fat roll on our little munchkin. In addition to packing on pounds, she is developing a varied (and louder) vocabulary of "ah-hoos", "wa-ahhas", "a-gees" and much more. Mirrors are suddenly lots of fun and she finds various clocks and pictures just hilarious. No rolling over or reaching for objects just yet, but we think those are right around the corner. More pictures to come soon!
Team Beatrice