Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Lily is 6 months old!

Lily's 6 month old doings:
-Weight: 15 lbs 2.5 oz (31%)
-Length: 24.75 inches (10%)
-Head: 42 cm (33%)

She's a squishable nugget - following in her big sister's footsteps of being a shrimpster. Lillian is super active - she rolls rapidly in all directions and can pivot 360 degrees and scoot backwards. I'll put her down in the middle of the living room and 30 seconds later she'll be behind a chair in the corner. She is just starting to rock up onto her knees - this kiddo is going to crawl before we know it. She'll sit on the floor and play with toys for up to 20 minutes. This is nothing short of a miracle in our house.
We are full steam ahead with solid food. She gobbled up a jar of baby squash tonight...but isn't so sure about prunes. Who can blame her?
Lily is energetic, determined, snugly, and so totally lovable.