Monday, May 31, 2010

Rain rain go away...

I can't recall a rainier (and chillier) Memorial Day weekend. We made the best of it and trekked in the rain through Volunteer Park like true Seattlites. Bea has embraced the role and has recently become obsessed with wearing socks and tevas (her choice). Oh dear.

Here's to hoping the sun returns someday and we can go back to the beach. (taken 3 weeks ago)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Mayfair parade & mud puddles

Our neighborhood has an annual Mayfair event, complete with a stroller/bike/trike parade, a clown, a bouncy castle, face painting, pony rides, and games. Bea performed like a seasoned parade queen, waving at all her admirers during the two-block trek (which took at least 20 minutes). The clown was not at all amusing to Bea and she would have been clobbered in the bouncy castle, so we just stuck to the slides and swings at the park. Nonetheless, it was great amusement.

Apparently, our goal was to seriously wear out the kid on Saturday and we took her to the beach in the afternoon. Once she got the hang of splashing in the mud (our little one has to be assured sometimes that getting dirty is OK), she did it with gusto.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Mother's Day

I had the most fantastic Mother's Day!! We went for a "hike" in the morning, using the term very loosely. Bea wasn't very cooperative about riding in the backpack for longer than 10 minute spurts, so our hiked turned into an amble, stopping every 20 yards to look at dirt/rocks/bugs. As she does, Bea serenaded us throughout the "hike" with renditions of "ABCs," "Twinkle twinkle," "Old MacDonald," "The Wheels on the Bus," and "Won't my Mommy be so proud of me." For those of you who watch Glee, Bea is an expert at mash-ups.
In the afternoon, we took a picnic out to Seward Park and had a glorious time. It's a perfect spot for wee ones to run free! I have nightmares about Bea plummeting off a cliff and spend a lot of time cringing when she gets too close to the edge of anything minutely dangerous. The beach at the point of Seward Park is a good worry-free zone for crazies like me.