Monday, December 28, 2009

Holiday Cheer!

The Adams family had a fantastic holiday in Arlington, complete with a snow storm that kept us on our traveling toes. Bea was a party animal, rallying for each and every social call.
She's a girl after Mimi's heart -- cleaning the furniture!

We are trying (and failing) to shove snow boots on our poor child.

Bea and Daddy in front of the US Capitol.

Bea and Mommy take a stroll around the Capitol Rotunda.

Ruffino's! While she didn't end up like the picture on the wall, quite a bit of food was tossed on the floor.

YHS '95 Reunion Brunch at JP's house. 15 children and 30 adults!

Bea watching a few minutes of A Christmas Story on TV.

Christmas at Aunt Margaret's house.

Bea playing in her pop-up school bus - a present from Mimi. The party dress had to come off!

Bea and my Dad.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The toddler has arrived...

It's official, Bea is no longer a compliant baby, willing to follow our every lead. Ahh, the good times. She is now exerting her independence and has taken to saying, "no, no" while walking backwards when she is beckoned. Ian and I just realized that she employs 'distraction tactics' when she doesn't want do something. Here's what it looks like: Mommy: Bea, put the crayon back on the table. Bea: ba-ba-ba, e-i-e-i-o (does a little dance move - stomps foot and spins in a circle, smiling broadly). I'm also impressed with the wiggle-slither move she uses to get out of a hold. We have to fly cross-country on Sunday...wish us (and our fellow passengers) luck!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Friday, December 11, 2009

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Smattering of this and that

Thanksgiving at Louise's house.

Reading as a family. This is the only way to get Ms. Busy Pants to sit still.

Bea supervises in the kitchen.

Mommy & Bea

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Bea explains the finer points of adolescent literacy to Mommy.

Fish faces.

Daily romping.

Monty tells good jokes!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Sick baby

Bea has been really sick for the past couple days - high fever, extreme fatigue, vomiting, the works. Here is she, still managing to look as sweet as an angel, taking a nap on flat-bear. She is much perkier today than she was yesterday, so hopefully she is on the mend.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Just Hangin'

It feels like such a cliche to say that it just keeps getting better, but it's true! Bea is SOOO much fun these days. She amuses herself to no end tromping all over the house. Our daily game of 'chase' has become more like the real thing since she can pick some serious speed. I'm beside myself that she can wear dresses now - when she was crawling she would face-plant getting caught on the hem. Here is a smattering of a day in the life of Miss Bea (in a dress!).
Timmy is in the 'ready-bolt' position in case Bea goes in for the attack. She's pretty good with the cats, but sometimes just can't help herself.

Bea is banging on the bathroom door with a vengeance. Potty-training already?

The toothbrush is in her mouth, but I'm not sure we can call it "brushing."

One of Bea's favorite things to do - read while having your diaper changed. Ahhh, the life.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween 09....buzzzzzzzzzz

If it's possible, Bea was even cuter this year all dressed up as a bee than she was last year! It must be one of parent's greatest indulgences to dress up their kids in costumes. We had a great day and she tolerated her costume happily for hours. We stopped by a neighborhood Halloween fest for tots in the morning, went to Nana's house for "trick or treating" in the afternoon (mostly just to show off our costume) and then on to our friends' house for a party. She was a hit at Nana's and the party, but was totally overwhelmed at the neighborhood event and refused to venture more than a few inches away from us. I was temporarily excited by the mini bouncy castle for wee ones, but tossing her in would have been torturous...maybe next year.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

We visited a pumpkin patch yesterday to get in the mood for Halloween (she's obviously going to be a bee again). Bea had great fun walking all over the farm and even got to indulge in mini doughnuts and hot apple cider.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


It's not neat by any stretch, but it's going in!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Bea's going to have a cousin...

Sorry, no Bea pics this time! I just got back from a fantastic weekend in Chicago. My mom, Aunt Margaret, cousin Peg, and I all flew in to throw Jules a baby shower. Julie is due January 7 and is having a girl!! Lots of fun tea parties and slumber parties in the future for Bea and her cousin.
We trapsed all over Chicago, went on a HIGHLY RECOMMENDED architectual tour, saw "The Jersey Boys," shopped for shoes (of course), and ate countless delicious meals. I can't wait to go back!
The report from Ian was that he and Bea had a great weekend together. Yay for Daddy!