Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween 09....buzzzzzzzzzz

If it's possible, Bea was even cuter this year all dressed up as a bee than she was last year! It must be one of parent's greatest indulgences to dress up their kids in costumes. We had a great day and she tolerated her costume happily for hours. We stopped by a neighborhood Halloween fest for tots in the morning, went to Nana's house for "trick or treating" in the afternoon (mostly just to show off our costume) and then on to our friends' house for a party. She was a hit at Nana's and the party, but was totally overwhelmed at the neighborhood event and refused to venture more than a few inches away from us. I was temporarily excited by the mini bouncy castle for wee ones, but tossing her in would have been torturous...maybe next year.

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