Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Just Hangin'

It feels like such a cliche to say that it just keeps getting better, but it's true! Bea is SOOO much fun these days. She amuses herself to no end tromping all over the house. Our daily game of 'chase' has become more like the real thing since she can pick some serious speed. I'm beside myself that she can wear dresses now - when she was crawling she would face-plant getting caught on the hem. Here is a smattering of a day in the life of Miss Bea (in a dress!).
Timmy is in the 'ready-bolt' position in case Bea goes in for the attack. She's pretty good with the cats, but sometimes just can't help herself.

Bea is banging on the bathroom door with a vengeance. Potty-training already?

The toothbrush is in her mouth, but I'm not sure we can call it "brushing."

One of Bea's favorite things to do - read while having your diaper changed. Ahhh, the life.

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