Friday, April 26, 2013

Old buddies

L-R: Mateo, Griffin, Beckett, Lily, Saskia and Beatrice
The Pochops came back for a visit and we reconvened old buddies. We miss them so much!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Pizza time

No pizza! But I'll happily eat tomato sauce by the spoonful.

and ice cream, of course

Then it all went south....

Bea testing out her wiki sticks glasses

Happy again sitting in Mommy's lap.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Spring chicks

Nothing better than a sister-tackle!

The sun-salute!

Easter egg hunt at Nana's house

Counting her eggs

The grass turned out to be more interesting than the eggs...

Lily's 2nd egg hunt- she is a professional.

Mimi and her granddaughters.

Rainy afternoon at the aquarium.

How do they measure up?

Checking out the eel and the ray.

Pizza time!
Daddy and Lil before she lost it and declared "All Done!"

Bea talking about her latest materpiece.

Play-doh creations.

It's Spring the Northwest today - rainy and 50-something. Amazingly we had a small taste of summer last weekend when my Mom came for a visit. Easter Sunday was bright, warm, and glorious for eggs hunts (multiple of course), gardening, and even eating alfresco. Lily took to the egg hunts like a professional, insisting on carrying her own egg-laden basket and getting downright competitive with her sister. They loved having Mimi here and kept her very busy with tea parties. My mom and I had a shopping extravagenza at the new Green Eileen store that just opened in the neighborhood and the grown-ups had a yummy dinner out at La Medusa.