Saturday, January 24, 2009

Play hard, sleep hard

Hi everyone,
We finally did it- we caught a real smile on camera! Beatrice usually puts on a serious face whenever we try to take a picture. She's been a busy busy girl lately, exercising her body and her lungs with new shouts, shrieks, and squeals. We think she may be starting to teethe as she gnaws on everything in arm's reach and drools rivers. As you can see from the picture, we've gotten her to start napping during the day (of course, it only works with her swing on full blast and all the right accoutrement, but it is a start). Hmmm, other developments? While we used to be able to take her to dinner parties, she now is very aware of other non-mommy and daddy people and has launched into several major crying fits. This is probably related to the fact that bedtime is getting earlier and earlier, but still our munchkin is still a sleeping champion, making all the way to 5 or 5:30am every night! What else? We tried solid food again tonight with most of it ending up on her bib, but we'll keep at it. Oh, we've moved from the baby tub to taking baths in the real tub with M. Fun for all. Bea splashes and splashes. She'll be a swimmer for sure! Ian styled her hair into a great shampoo swirly today -- we'll be sure to get a picture of it next time. All for now.
Team Beatrice

Monday, January 19, 2009

Friday, January 16, 2009

First Solid Food

Hi everyone,

We've been trying to upload a video for days now and are temporarily giving up to learn more about using iMovie. So, we'll have to settle for pictures. Here is Beatrice, uh, enjoying her first solid food. Her facial expressions were hilarious!

In it goes...

Out it comes.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Monday, January 5, 2009

6 Months Old!

Hi all,
Bea is 6 months old as of January 2nd! She got to celebrate her half birthday with Mimi and Grandpa Pete, who came all the way from Arlington to visit her. It was a wonderful visit and everyone was sad to see them go.
Mimi accompanied M & Beatrice to the doctor for her 6 month check-up. The munchkin had great fun checking herself out in the mirror and braved an arsenal of shots. The stats are:
13lbs 9oz, 10% for normal 6 monthers
23 inches, 3% for normal 6 monthers
It is amazing that she is already on the charts and catching up. The doctor gave the go ahead to start her on solids. We'll be sure to post a video when we do the first feeding (it will likely entail lots of spitting out rice cereal).

Now you can see all the wonderful fat rolls!

Bea checks out her toes!

Sounds asleep in Grandpa Pete's arms.

Three generations, all together.