Friday, February 26, 2010

Mommy-daughter first verbal battle

Bea and I had out first 'heated discussion' a few days ago! I picked her up from daycare and it was a beautiful day, so we headed straight for the park. She was so excited, belting out "slide!" and "wee!" upon seeing the playground. But...when I got her out of the car I realized she had a dirty diaper and, alas I had not brought the diaper bag. Oh no! Trying to get Bea back in the car was a feat for an Olympian- she was totally hysterical. She cried all the way home and all the way through the diaper change. Finally she calmed down, but when I tried to put her back in the car to go to the park, she became hysterical again, kicking, screaming, tears, snot, the works. Finally, I put her down on the driveway and we had are first 'fight':
Me: Bea, do you want to go to the park?
Bea: (through tears) Yes!
Me: Then you have to get in the car.
Bea: (crying harder) No!
Me: If you want to go to the park, you have to get in the car.
Bea: Park! (looks at the car) No no no no no!
Poor girl can't quite reason through this one yet. I managed to get her back in the car (a miracle considering all the flailing limbs) and to the playground, but she was pretty annoyed at me for a while and didn't want to do anything I suggested. So it starts!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Spring in February

We've had a spell of Spring-like weather for the past week and have been going crazy running about town. Here are a few of our latest adventures with Miss Bea.

Bea stops on her way up to the slide to give Daddy a smootch!

Getting ready to go down the BIG slide.

Singing "Itsy bitsy spider" with Daddy.

Bea: "Oh boy!"
She loves the 'wees'!

Chasing ducks!

Watching penguins at the zoo. They are definitely the favorite.

Making Daddy pretty.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Little charmer

When I picked up Bea from daycare a few days ago, her teacher told me that at lunch time, Bea was drinking out of another kid's cup and when she asked Bea where her milk was, she put up her hands, shrugged and said, "I no no." This girl makes us all laugh!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010