Sunday, February 16, 2014

Valentine's Day PINK overload

All pinked up and ready to rumble at school.

Can you believe it? She wore PINK! I guess since it wasn't a dress, the odds were better, but still.

Valentine treat from Mimi = happy happy Lil

The overload of chocolate and candy made this a less-than-stellar family pizza night. We had to practically chug our beers to get out without a major incident. Sigh.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


My Superbowl sous chefs! They are ready to rumble...or just eat a ton a chocolate.

Can't have a Superbowl party without a 12th man cake!

Lily getting her war paint on

We had a fantastic time celebrating the Seahawks victory with great friends

Snow...still a novelty in Seattle

While the rest of the country has literally been pounded with snow this winter, we are still giddy over a few inches. A perfect Sunday morning of waffles and sledding.

Daddy making a slightly creepy snow person at the picnic table

The Snow Bear Queen!

I'm so fast!

I have to go to great lengths to keep Lily from leaping into the pool during Beatrice's swimming lessons. Sometimes this involves flipping her upside down (nearly breaking my back), sometimes it involves chasing her around the deck, other times hamming it up for the camera. I will persist in this circus though, because watching her swim ("I'm so fast!") is utter joy.