Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Put your party pants on!

No more fancy restaurants! Family pizza night is where the party is!

Followed by "fresents" and carrot cake. The girls were oh-so-happy!

A proper send-off

I had to travel to Des Moines for work last month and Beatrice made sure I knew I'd be missed. Such sweet peas!!!

Cocktail enthusiast?

In her usual fashion, L was on fire during our family night out to a Mexican restaurant.

She LOVED the cocktail menu. What does this say.......?

Offering Daddy some suggestions.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Hunting for fairies

Bea peaking into nooks and crannies for fairies on Bainbridge Island.

Sledding on the pass

The snow and wind made our sledding experience slightly challenging, but we still had fun.

Snow angels...or maybe we just collapsed.