Friday, May 30, 2014

Sunday, May 4, 2014

The wee one is THREE!

Our baby is THREE! This was the birthday she actually "got it" - it took a few missteps (e.g. "The next present is for Beatrice...") for her to realize her birthday was all about her. We had three celebrations - each perfect in its own right. A family celebration on May Day - Lily's choice of Starbucks for breakfast, mice and beans from El Sombrero for dinner, and a walk to the ice cream shop for dessert (she's still not that in to cake). We dined al fresco because we had record breaking 85 degree weather. The sun shone for bright Lily! Friday night we had a party (Nana, Walrus, Giles, and the Nachtigal family) complete with balloons, pizza, cupcakes, and kiddos running sugar-fueled races around the house. Great fun had by all! Saturday we had a dual birthday celebration for Lily & Grandpa. Grandpa made Lily (and Bea) a train table and, with trains and track supplied by Mimi and M & D, they were in absolute heaven.

Birthday girl at the "copy shop" for a blueberry muffin.

The warmest day of the year!

"Mice and beans!"

Ice cream shop for birthday dessert

Running off the sugar

Overwhelmed by all the attention

Beatrice hand made a card for Grandpa

The girls picked out Grandpa's gift: a fabulous owl puppet!

Everyone is too busy to stop for a picture