Friday, September 5, 2008

End of the week

Hi, All,

Just wanted to post a quick comment thanking everyone for their continued support, comments, and emails. Great to hear from you.

The Adams household (nee Team Beatrice) is rapidly approaching normalcy. Yes, M&D aren't sleeping much, but that's not particularly surprising. Additionally, due to the suddenness of Bea's departure from the hospital, D had to attend to several important items that he scheduled well before he knew the Little One would be coming home on Sunday. Some uninterrupted Daddy-Daugher time may be needed soon.

But, again, these are normal concerns. In fact, life is incredibly "normal" all around. On Wednesday, Bea's pediatrician had nothing but "normal" things to say about a, more or less, "normal" baby who happened to be born about 10 weeks premature. We'll be watching the Little One's development, but there's no immediate reason to expect anything other than a "normal" progression towards "normalcy." With a little luck, Bea probably won't even need extra oxygen in a few weeks time.

We've become so boring. After such an ordeal, all we are left with is the most extraordinary and beautiful child we've ever met. I guess that's something...

Anyway, we'll attempt to write more soon. Bea's grandma ("Mimi") is in town for a few days, and Aunt Julie will be arriving tomorrow.

All the best,

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