Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Tuesday Night

Good evening all,

It's been a while since Team Beatrice has posted any news or reflections of any substance; we are aware that Team Bea fans must be appeased and apologize, profusely, for the omission. Sorry, sorry, sorry.

Well, not that sorry. Team Beatrice has had a lot on its mind. A demanding (yet typical) child and the challenges of living on a single income have eaten into our time and energy. Furthermore, as many, maybe most, of you know, the joys and heartache of parenthood are difficult to express, so it it is usually better to let pictures do the talking. Can anyone adequately summarize the emotion a parent feels when his or her child smiles for the first time? I can't. On the other hand, how do you express the frustration that a parent feels at 4am after having rocked his or her screaming child for two hours? Again, maybe such a conflicted emotion is better left to memory than the page.

So that's where we are right now: We have a mostly healthy baby who is causing us to lose sleep at night while she fills us with life and energy. What's there to say? I (let's move to first person, shall we?) think that I'll be ready to write about this experience in another eighteen years, at the earliest.

But I promised a substantive post, didn't I?

D has taken the week off in order to spend some QT with the family. The exhausting, squirmy, screamy family that refuses to sleep in the day and reluctantly rests at night. So far, many long walks have been taken and many hours have been spent on the couch staring at our bundle of joy. We'll keep everyone posted if anything really, really interesting should happen.

All the best,

Team Beatrice (Ian)

1 comment:

Emily Kontos said...

Hang in there you two! Not sure if you have one or if anyone else has recommended it but our parenting coach told us to get an exercise ball so we did and it was the ONLY thing that ever calmed Adie down. She didn't like rocking and I guess most babies don't since the more natural movement that they are used to is up and down. We spent many days and nights on that and besides having a calm baby that went to sleep we strengthened our core...win win really.