Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Bea Goes to Daycare

First day of daycare today. Tears were shed by all - Bea reportedly recovered faster than I did, having only cried for about a half hour. She did just a 1/2 day and when I went to pick her up at lunchtime, she was covered head-to-toe in lasagna, exclaiming "nom nom nom" with each bite. Now, we know she is an "enthusiastic" eater and find this behavior totally endearing, but she stood out like a sore thumb at day care, where all the other kids were eating quietly and much less messily. I hope she learns to be a neater eater, but I won't mind if she continues to provide the mealtime entertainment. In any event, we're going back tomorrow and hoping for less tears all around.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a big day for Bea, and even bigger for Mom & Dad.