Sunday, October 4, 2009

Takin' a Stroll

Bea's a walking machine! She insisted on walking (with a bit of help from M&D) almost 4 blocks during a visit to the Ballard farmer's market today. Earlier this morning, she took 5 steps on her own. A big day for little Bea!
Oh- she is 15 months old as of 10/2, still growing well and generally healthy. She is about 50% on the weight chart (22 lbs), 75% on the head chart, but still only 15% on the height chart. Short and round for now.
Other developments include pointing at everything under the sun and talking constantly. Her current discernable vocabulary includes: "Dada," "Mama," "up," "uhoh," some version of "ba" for book and bath, and a high pitched "ca" for cat. She has begun to push her boundaries and throws minor tantrums when things don't go her way. Even when she's mad, she is still pretty darn cute.

1 comment:

Laura B. said...

We've got the opposite statistics for our little girl. 10-25% weight and 25-50% height. I hear you on the tantrums. G is a notorious food-flinger and the past few mornings the slightest thing that goes wrong ruins everything for her.