Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Late Spring

Ian and I celebrated our 6 year anniversary with a trip to Washington wine country. It was our first weekend away from Miss Bea and was a success all around. Nana said that though she was exhausted at the end of the weekend, she loved having such a life force in the house. There is just nothing like waking up to a sweet round of ABCs.

Driving already? Bea scrambles into the driver's seat at every chance.

Wicked right curve ball.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Back to the NICU, but this time to party

The special care nursery at Swedish throws a reunion party every other year for past 'alumni.' It felt strange, driving to Swedish today with Beatrice belting out "party!" in the back seat. I'd like to say we are totally over the trauma with which she began her life, but mostly it feels like a separate life. How can we reconcile her early days with the child who refused to be pealed away from the bouncy castle? Like a typical toddler, Beatrice is demanding, energetic, and more fun than we could have ever imagined. We hardly have a chance these days to pause and think about that summer. But driving the familiar route to Swedish today, parking in the underground lot, taking the elevator up to the lobby, seeing the faces of fellow preemie parents - it was both heartbreaking and freeing. The memories came back, but we made it. Bea made it. We'll forever be part of the club, but it's really good that we get to choose when we visit.