Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Late Spring

Ian and I celebrated our 6 year anniversary with a trip to Washington wine country. It was our first weekend away from Miss Bea and was a success all around. Nana said that though she was exhausted at the end of the weekend, she loved having such a life force in the house. There is just nothing like waking up to a sweet round of ABCs.

Driving already? Bea scrambles into the driver's seat at every chance.

Wicked right curve ball.


Chris said...

Jealous of the wine weekend.

Laura B. said...

Congratulations on six years of marriage! I remember what a great time we had in Arlington/D.C. that wedding weekend.

It's nice to get away from the kids... I think it makes one a better parent to actually be able to "miss" them a bit from time to time. ;-)
