Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Bea's weekend extraganza at Nana's

Post courtesy of Nana:

Why did Bea wear Nana's apron to the park?

Nana has now recovered from the 4 days and 3 nights with the indomitable Miss Bea while M & D went to Boston on their missions of meeting with friends and rowing at the Head of the Charles. If you ever have the distinction of having Bea as a house guest, expect her to take charge in a firm but gracious manner on every level from food to music to dress to household management. She will reward you with humor, curiosity, stimulating conversation and general enthusiasm for all activities. She will leave your house a wreck, the laundry not done, the newspaper unread, phone calls not returned and the need to catch up on your sleep. But Nana doesn't regret one moment. As for the apron wearing while walking to and from the park, you'll have to ask Beatrice.

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