Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Another day, another nurse

Hi, All,

It's Wednesday, and Beatrice is still doing well at around 1/32 of a liter of o2, which isn't very much. Moreover, the Little One said that it would be OK if Nana gave her a bottle this evening. Very exciting for everyone involved.

Unfortunately, despite the intermittent progress in the oxygen/breathing department, Team Beatrice is increasingly unclear about when Bea will be coming home. We know that Bea needs to be able to take all of her food through a bottle, but we don't know if there are respiratory issues that may keep her in the hospital even after we've met our feeding goals. Doctor attention is sometimes hard to come by. Additionally, the nursing situation isn't helping our confidence or understanding: Over 11 days in the ISCU, Bea has had 10 different day nurses and 11 different night nurses. Despite all of the reporting that each nurse does, such massive turnover is not a great way to track the Little One's progress.

Sorry for the bummer of a post, but "it is what it is", whatever that's supposed to mean. Tomorrow is another day, and the only thing we know for sure is that Bea will find some new way to surprise and astound us.

All the best,

Team Beatrice (Ian)

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