Friday, August 15, 2008

On the Short List

Hi, All,

Another round of Bea-pics for your viewing pleasure. As you can see, we were quite alert this evening, taking another whole bottle from Daddy.

As the title to this post suggests, we are on the short list for going downstairs to the Infant Special Care Unit (ISCU). Actually, we're first on the list. The ISCU is more like a traditional nursery than the NICU, although Bea will still get extra oxygen and have her vitals monitored. This is a very good thing for Bea, but scary for M&D, who rely on constant feedback from the NICU nurses to reassure them that their Little One is doing OK. So... Rejoice for Bea; pity the insecure elders.

Have a great weekend, everyone. We've got nearly all of the pieces of the nursery, thanks especially to generous grandparents. Thanks also to E&D for offering Team Beatrice the services of a van for a dump run. Another friend will be stopping by with a truck to help (Thanks, E.J.)

Team Beatrice (Ian)

P.S. In much sadder news, Mommy thinks that she overheard the nurses say that they were expecting another hydrops baby in Bea's room in the NICU on Thursday. We don't know any names or details, but we don't think that any such baby ever arrived. Such a poignant reminder of the outlook Team Beatrice faced just six weeks ago.

P.P.S. In happier news, the Little One now weighs nearly 5 lbs. Can you believe it? What a little monkey!

1 comment:

mbnone said...

Way to go Bea! You chubby little thing! Ben said to tell you that the ISCU nurses are very nice and you'll like them a lot. :)

Meredith, Ben, and Megan