Sunday, August 3, 2008

Bottle Feeds

Hi, All,

Team Beatrice is back with a new blog entry! 

As you can see from the latest pics, Queen Bea started taking a little food from a bottle yesterday. Just a little, however, as our 33-week-old body is still easily fatigued. 

Other than the bottle, I am happy to report that there is, once again, very little to report. When the doctors do their rounds, they often have a lot to say about Bea's transient neighbors, but Bea doesn't elicit much more discussion other than, "Baby's doing fine; increase her feeds." It's nice to be ignored when you're in the NICU. 

Oh, oh, oh... hold on... Almost forgot:  Beatrice wanted me to tell everyone that she's in a new Isolette incubator. The old one needed to be, uh, cleaned. In the transition between dirty and clean diapers, Ms. Bea managed to thoroughly soil the far wall of her condo. (You'll just have to use your imagination to picture how this was possible; suffice to say, Bea's nurses are not being paid nearly enough.) Bravo, Little One. 

Anyhoo... that's about all. Mommy and Daddy had a nice weekend of visiting with friends, going out to brunch (courtesy of a great friend), walking in the sun, and hangin' with Bea. Kind of like normal folks, if normal folks only saw their children in the hospital. 

All the best,

Team Beatrice (Ian)


iy. said...

that's so great (re: bottles, even between-diaper incidents)!!! i feel like this progress has flown by. i'm so glad you had a good, quiet weekend.

thank goodness for kind nurses.

hope you get to enjoy the sunshine today!

Panicdidge said...

Good quiet weekend is awesome! Still thinking about the 3 of you all the time. Go Bea, Go!