Friday, August 8, 2008

End of the week, with hope, joy, longing, and apprehension

Hi, All, 

Just wanted to extend another round of thanks to Team Bea's supporters after a long week. Your calls, emails, comments, and letters have all been heard and appreciated, even if they haven't always been properly acknowledged. In particular, thank you to following folks: Our friends, the United States Government (D's employer), everyone at Swedish Hospital, and the people of the State of Washington, who, we understand, will be picking up the tab for our negligible insurance copayments. (Don't ask: I'm not sure how we qualified for this particular Medicaid entitlement, either; something to do with how long Bea has been in the hospital.) 

Our Little Princess is doing well. So well, in fact, that M&D are starting to acutely lament her absence from their household. We may still have a way to go before we come home, and our oxygen needs are a little higher than would be optimal, but we are starting to see signs of a healthy, exceptional, little girl that needs the love and attention of doting parents as much as she needs round-the-clock medical attention. 

Tomorrow is a big day for M&D. It's time to go out and procure a car-seat, stroller, and a few other essential items, just in case Ms. Bea ends up coming home sooner than expected. (Fingers crossed, knock on wood, etc, etc.)  

Thanks so much. We'll take more pictures of our fussy little Squirmy-Pants tomorrow. So many stories of pooping, crying, complaining, and snuggling that we just haven't had time to tell. 

All the best,

Team Beatrice (Ian)

P.S. Anyone trying to reach D this weekend via email should send messages to his hotmail account; OWA access to work email is under repair, and the alternate portal doesn't recognize D's user-name. 

P.P.S. Are tonight's Opening Ceremonies awe-inspiring or disturbing? Both? 


Laura B. said...

Ian & Carol,

It is so amazing to see Beatrice's clear and questioning face in the latest bath photos. To have no tubes attached, even if just for bath time-- wow! Carol, once feeding from "the source" really begins, you'll be amazed at how fast your little girl grows.
Love from Laura, Ryan, Faolan & Gaia

Unknown said...

Oh, go Bea go! The Twin PEPS ladies and babies are all rooting for you!